Flym News Reader is the best Android RSS reader app available on GooglePlay Store. There are many other RSS readers for Android devices, for example feedly, gReader or FeedMe. However those apps are usually heavy and slow, require logging in, creating account to use them or have ads. You won’t find any of these in Flym News Reader. I’ve tested dozens of RSS feed apps for Android and I must admit, that Flym is the best one. Without any doubt as it smashed all other competitors like Hulk! First of all it’s small and fast. Furthermore there are no ads. The best of all it’s easy to use and it’s free. It’s really easy to add new feeds, it’s easy to use this app, it’s easy to configure to download feeds whenever you want – for example only when you are connected to WiFi. In one word – it’s awesome.
Best Android RSS Reader
You might wonder why would I call this app the best Android RSS reader? Let me introduce you to some features that Flym offers to everyone, cause yes it’s a free app and there are no ads!
- first of all it’s totally free, cause it’s an open source app
- second of all, there are no ads, cause as mentioned above its an open source app
- you can easily add new feeds by using Google News or search option,
- it comes with two themes – light and dark, so you can choose whichever you like,
- best of all – download news and read them in offline mode including images!
- revolutionary option – Retrieve Text – allows to retrieve a full text of any news
- favorite – allows to mark news / entries with a star and save them in favorites
- advanced filtering options – allows to filter feeds by regular expressions and keywords
- it’s updated very often and new features are being implemented every month
Sounds great, doesn’t it? What are you waiting for? Press the button below and give Flym a try! I bet you will love it and you will never use any other rss reader. Flym News Reader is the best Android RSS reader.